Thursday, March 24, 2016

Review: Muji Wool Turtleneck

There are three kinds of turtlenecks: 
1. The massive-I'm-one-big-neck sort that you only find on the Runway
2. The slouchy neck that says "I love looking chill but am actually trying really hard" (yes. poking fun at myself because I do wear these)
3. The slim sleek neck that is subtle but bold

This turtleneck falls into the last category and just happens to go with everything. 

Jeans (light and dark washes)?     Check.
Skirts (maxi, mini, midi)?                Check, Check, Check.
Flats? Heels?                                    CHECK. 

Ok. I will admit I was very suspicious of the no-itch wool that it claimed to be made of.  I have never found a "non-itch" will that made good on its claim so I wasn't holding my breath. 

Well. Once again- score for Muji. No itching. This shirt is 100% wool and comes with all the benefits without the major downfalls.  It is warm, breathable, and lays really well. 

Would I buy it again?
In fact - I probably will.

Notice the shirt ^^^ 

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Maira Gall